We strive to make visible the often-hidden challenges faced by those with chronic pain. We want to show what it’s like to live with pain—and to thrive in spite of it. The project includes profiles of individuals, with photos of them on their best days… and in their darkest moments. Our goal: To show the reality of life with pain, and to offer hope and inspiration to the millions like us.
In pain, you’re not alone
The INvisible Project and the U.S. Pain Foundation: A natural fit.
In 2010, Nicole Hemmenway was relatively new to activism. She had just written a book describing her journey living with chronic pain and was searching for more ways to become involved with the pain community. Nicole felt certain others would also benefit if they had an avenue to share their stories, too.
However, she recognized that the pain journey was often difficult to describe in words. And she knew she wasn’t alone in feeling this way! Many others could sometimes barely find the strength to explain how they were feeling. One look at their faces, though, and the pain was obvious.
Making the invisible visible
It was while attending a pain summit that Nicole connected with a small organization that would later evolve to become the U.S. Pain Foundation. Nicole partnered with a fellow person with pain who was a professional photographer to create a project that would bring public visibility to the invisible, internal struggles of people living with chronic pain. That first year, nine people were featured in a magazine-style publication, with profiles by Nicole and professional photos, taken on a day in the life of each person.
But Nicole wasn’t satisfied. “We realized that explaining a day in the life of a person with pain through images would necessitate more than a beautiful headshot—more than the edited perspective of a professional photographer’s lens,” says Nicole. “We needed to show the rough spots, the hospital visits and sleepless nights, to really put a face to what a person with chronic pain experiences daily.”
Something they can hold
Thus was born the current version of the INvisible Project magazine, with tens of thousands of copies distributed to patients, caregivers, and health care providers each year. This publication highlights stories and photos from real people about their day-to-day lives.
“A magazine is an easy way to make sure people can access the project, return to it frequently for information and inspiration, and share it with others,” says Nicole. “When people have something they can hold, it feels more real, more reliable, and it can be a strong source of hope.”
Baring the truth
During the past few years, individuals featured in the project have shared their stories—the good, the bad, and the ugly. Individuals like Chloe Vruno, who began experiencing migraine attacks three years ago at the age of 15, and is now learning to live with pain and find a way forward. “There have been many times on my journey when I wanted to give up, stop looking for cures, stop taking my medicine, and stay in bed the rest of my life and sulk. But that is no way to live,” says Chloe. “We are still amazing people with the potential to live an amazing life.”
Stories like Chloe’s serve to inspire others with pain to share their stories, and that’s why the INvisible Project is an essential component of our programming.
INvisible on the road
The U.S. Pain Foundation also offers traveling displays in a few different sizes for those who wish to hold awareness events. The photo displays are lightweight and easy to set up, but they have a huge impact at pain awareness events, disability expos, health fairs, medical conferences, and other public events.
U.S. Pain Foundation has even taken the displays to state legislatures, using the opportunity to educate lawmakers as they consider legislation that affects access to health care and veteran issues.
Do you want to share your story, to educate and inspire others? To put a face to the otherwise invisible challenges you face as a chronic pain patient? We welcome your ideas, and we’re looking for candidates for the next edition of the INvisible Project magazine. Introduce yourself HERE.

U.S. Pain Foundation Programs
Here is a sample of our programs and services.
Awareness & Advocacy Programs
- Pain Ambassador Network: Volunteer Pain Ambassadors represent the organization in their communities across the country. They help individuals in need, organize educational events, connect with lawmakers to advocate for better health care laws, and more. Pain Ambassadors are the face of the U.S. Pain Foundation. To participate, go to: uspainfoundation.org/get-
involved. - Advocacy Network: The U.S. Pain Foundation is dedicated to making sure people with pain are heard by policymakers at both the state and national level. We strive to improve policy and legislation in the areas of: high-quality treatment; patient safety; fair, accessible insurance coverage; innovation and research; and quality of life. To learn more, go to: uspainfoundation.org/advocacy.
- Medical Cannabis: U.S. Pain offers a designated medical cannabis program led by two expert advocates. The program seeks to increase safe, fair access to medical cannabis for people with chronic pain and provide education and training on medical cannabis as a treatment option. For more information, visit uspainmedicalcannabis.org.
- Pain Awareness Month: During September, Pain Awareness Month, U.S. Pain hosts a number of activities, events, and campaigns to both empower and educate pain warriors and to increase awareness and empathy in the general public. Efforts included obtaining state proclamations; lighting up local landmarks and decorating local buildings in blue; op-ed drives; and more. To learn more, visit: uspainawarenessmonth.com.
- Points for Pain: Created by seventh-grader Tyler Cashman in 2015, Points for Pain is a unique fundraiser and awareness campaign where sports fans can pledge donations based on the number of points their team scores. Tyler started the initiative in honor of his mom, who lives with pain. All proceeds benefit the Pediatric Pain Warrior Program. Learn more at: pediatricpainwarrior.org/pointsforpain.
Education Programs
- Learn About Your Pain: This website is designed for the newly diagnosed who are looking for concrete, credible information. Browse the directory of pain conditions to learn more and gather resources. Start learning today: learnaboutyourpain.com.
- Pain Education Portal (PEP) Talks: U.S. Pain offers hour-long educational webinars featuring renowned experts on topics ranging from meditation to clinical trials. These webinars are presented live and recorded so they can be watched at any time. Check out the latest PEP Talks and other webinar offerings at: uspainfoundation.org/webinars.
- Pain Medicine 411: This website shares credible information regarding medications. Discussing the risks and benefits involved with prescription drugs, Pain Medicine 411 empowers patients to make informed decisions about their personal treatment program. Learn more: painmedicine411.org.
- Take Control of Your Pain: These daylong seminars for patients offer the chance to share their perspectives with others who have had similar experiences. We also invite health care providers to discuss the latest advances in pain management and complementary therapies. Find out about the next event: uspainfoundation.org/tcoyp.
Support Programs
- Pain Connection: Pain Connection helps individuals with chronic pain by empowering them to connect with other pain warriors and develop strategies for coping. It offers in-person support groups, live conference calls, military outreach, and support group leader trainings, so people with chronic pain and their families gain the support they need. For more information: painconnection.org.
- Pediatric Pain Warriors: The Pediatric Pain Warrior program assists children and their families in finding a network of support and community. This program offers weekend retreats, scholarships to a special camp, webinars, a pen pal program, and more. To find help, visit: pediatricpainwarrior.org
- Share Your Story: U.S. Pain invites people with pain to share their stories online. Each person who submits details about their pain journey receives a packet of information and resources, along with a pain warrior bracelet, in the mail. To share your story today, visit: uspainfoundation.org/share-your-story.
For Clinicians
- National Coalition of Chronic Pain Providers and Professionals (NCCPPP): This network of health providers, professionals, and organizations has come together in a coalition to more efficiently and effectively serve the chronic pain community. Get involved: nccppp.org.